Friday, May 14, 2010

Restaurant Review Hotel Real Audiencia

A few blocks from my house, in the lovely Plaza Santo Domingo, is a fairly nondescript building which encloses Hotel Real Audiencia and its upstairs restaurant with spectacular views.

It's a pretty low-key dining experience as my boyfriend and I and two old ladies who arrived halfway through our meal were the only patrons on a Tuesday night.

However the views are absolutely gorgeous. It is one of the best spots in old town for watching the day turn to night.

We each had filet mignon, beer, and a dessert and the bill was around $20. Another plus is it's literally blocks from La Ronda street so after dinner you can take a stroll down there to peek in the galleries and have some hot canelazo or blackberry wine.


  1. Hi, I found your blog and I enjoy it very much. It is letting me know about places I didn't know. We will be moving to Ecuador in July. Ecuador is great!

  2. Awesome! I´m gonna have to swing by there. And probably scope out some blackberry wine afterwards, too.
